Uncharted The Lost Legacy Free Download For Android

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Download Uncharted The Lost Legacy Game For PC is a professional action-adventure video game. This game is developed by Naughty Dog. Uncharted The Lost Legacy game download episode was released for Windows System, PlayStation, Xbox, and all other well have known operating systems which is common these days all world.

Uncharted The Lost Legacy Game Download for pc was published by Sony Interactive Entertainment great gaming publishers for Windows, PS4, PS3, and another famous operating system. This game was released on 22 August 2017. Uncharted The Lost Legacy Game Free download for pc is the biggest way of fun and entertainment. You can Download Dead Rising 4 Free PC Game Full Version only click on this link.

Best Screenshot of Uncharted The Lost Legacy Game

How to Download Uncharted The Lost Legacy Game

You can Uncharted The Lost Legacy Free download for pc full version from here. This is a torrent file, you must installment torrent on your computer before downloading this file.


How to Install Game

The installation process of Uncharted The Lost Legacy PC Game Full version is very easy, just you need to understand the way of installation. There is no video uploaded on the link page because the pattern of installation is very easy, so install it by following these instructions.

  • Download game file by using torrent software
  • If you have no torrent software then install torrent software firstly
  • After downloading this game, open Daemon Tools and Mount Image the CD
  • When you will Mount Image the CD, setup will be launched
  • Install the setup file completely
  • After installation open CD folder and then open “Keypoint” folder
  • Copy all files from “Keypoint” folder and pasted it in the installed directory
  • Play and enjoy
  • That’s the easy way to download this game.

This is the best way of installation of this game. I forget to give earlier 100 % working installation process. You can get it by the following this way. If you have any problem with downloading this installment so don’t worry, you just put your problem in a comment section, Our team will solve your problem asap.

System Requirements

Uncharted The Lost Legacy Free Download For Android Download

Operating System (OS)= Windows XP, Windows 7. 8. 8.1 and Windows 32 and 64 Bit

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo

RAM: 256 MB

Hard Disk: 512 MB

Graphics Card: 512 MB



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Total votes: 7
October 11, 2019 - 12:07am

Easy 'Your Prize Trophy' trophy

In Chapter 4, there is a tall tower in the middle of the map. You must climb this tower as part of the story. Near the top is a room with stone doors that you must open for the story. Open all of these doors. After opening them, do not interact with the lever in the middle. Instead, look for the door that is slightly broken. You can climb up the left side of this door to the very top of the tower. Do not hang off the ledges of the door room. Walk towards the ledge and look at the parts of the door that have opened up to be able to hold onto the broken piece of the door. Once you reach the very top, stand still for about a minute and listen to all of Chloe's comments to get the 'Your Prize Trophy' trophy. Your prize is a cutscene of Chloe doing a yoga session on top of the tower.

Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:


Don't Ruin The Moment (Platinum): Collect all the Trophies.
Progress Demands Sacrifice (Gold): Complete the Game in Crushing mode.
10 Up, 10 Down (Silver): Defeat 10 enemies with headshots in a row.
Collector of Antiquities (Silver): Find all the treasures.
Just the Wind (Silver): Stealth take-down 15 enemies in a row.
Legacy Found! (Silver): Complete the Game.
Make an Entrance (Silver): Defeat enemies with the vehicle, long-gun, melee, and grenade, in that order, in 20 seconds.
Pics or It Didn't Happen (Silver): Take a photo at all the photo opportunities.
Right Under Your Nose (Silver): Destroy the helicopter without defeating any other enemies.
#nofilter (Bronze): Take a photo at 5 photo opportunities.
Backseat Driver (Bronze): Commandeer 6 vehicles by jumping on them and kicking out the driver.
Best Driver in the Business (Bronze): Drive from the Ganesh mountain carving to the top of the waterfall at the Trident Fort and back in under 3 minutes.
C-Phoria (Bronze): Defeat 4 enemies with one C4 detonation.
Cannonball! (Bronze): Perform an impressive dive from the cliff near the old railroad tracks.
Casual Treasure Hunter (Bronze): Find 5 treasures.
Combat Racing (Bronze): Ram 10 motorcycles.
Five Finger Discount (Bronze): Open 5 lockboxes.
Flawless Gauntlet (Bronze): Get through all 3 Axe Fort trials without resetting any boards.
Frazer. Chloe Frazer. (Bronze): Defeat 5 consecutive enemies with the silenced pistol without being detected.
Hardcore Treasure Hunter (Bronze): Find 35 treasures.
Itchy Trigger Finger (Bronze): Defeat 20 enemies firing from-the-hip.
On the Grid (Bronze): Mark 30 enemies.
Picks or It Didn't Happen (Bronze): Open every lockbox.
Quiet as a Mouse (Bronze): After entering the Trident Fort, reach the door without being seen.
Royal Demolitionist (Bronze): Defeat 20 enemies with C4.
Stay and Pray (Bronze): Defeat 20 enemies blind-firing from cover.
Tarzana (Bronze): Perform 5 grapple swings in a row without touching the ground.
The Sampler (Bronze): Defeat 5 enemies, each one taking damage from a handgun, long-gun, and melee.
Tip of the Hat (Bronze): Stealth take-down 10 armored enemies with melee by first removing their helmets without being detected.
Wingwoman (Bronze): Perform 10 combo partner takedowns.
Your Prize (Bronze): Appreciate the view at the top of the Hoysala Empire.

Free Download For Android Games

Additionally, there are 19 secret trophies:

The Way of the Warrior (Gold): Make it to the outskirts of Halebidu in Chapter 5 without using a firearm or explosive.
Bring in the Big Guns (Silver): Defeat 30 enemies with gold weapons.
Getting to Know You (Silver): Listen to all optional conversations.
Overkill (Silver): Plant multiple C4 charges on the APC at the same time and destroy it with one massive detonation.
Yas Queen (Silver): Find all the Hoysala tokens and obtain the Queen's Ruby.
4x4x4 (Bronze): Defeat 4 enemies with the vehicle in 20 seconds.
Drop Me a Line (Bronze): Use all the zip-lines to traverse the city.
Fingersmith (Bronze): Pick a three pin lock in under 15 seconds.
Here, Catch! (Bronze): Destroy a vehicle in Chapter 9 with an explosive.
I Was Never Here (Bronze): Open a lockbox with enemies nearby.
Let's Not Get Caught (Bronze): Drive over the edge in the Western Ghats.
Marco Po-No (Bronze): Play in the water in the dam in Halebidu.
Now You See Me... (Bronze): Break stealth and re-enter stealth successfully.
Shadow Theater (Bronze): Complete the shadow puzzle in 10 moves or less.
Shake For Your Fortune (Bronze): Ask Skeleseer a question.
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum (Bronze): Use every gun in the game.
Stunt It! (Bronze): Get 30 seconds of total airtime with the vehicle.
Token For Granted (Bronze): Find a Hoysala token.
Were You Counting? (Bronze): Defeat an enemy with the last bullet in your handgun clip.