Download Thumb For Android Seekbar

Custom Android SeekBar that adds a marker / thumb to display current value. Works on Android 4.4+


  1. Learn how to customize the Android UI SeekBar widget by following this tutorial by mobile developer William Francis. If you read many of my TechRepublic App Builder blog posts, you know I write a.
  2. Jan 24, 2018 Crystal Range Seekbar. An extended version of seekbar and range seekbar with basic and advanced customization. Add a dependency to your build.gradle.

Aug 28, 2013 This tutorial will help you understand android SeekBar. Here in this example, we'll see how to create and customize SeekBar with different color and layout. SeekBar is one of the useful user interface element in android applications.

Just include it in your xml as a replacement of your regular SeekBar.MarkerSeekBar is a direct subclass of AppCompatSeekBar, so you don't need to modify your existing code.

The complete attribute list:

showMarkerOnTouchAutomatic toggle. Default true.
smoothTrackingAnimate popup position. Default false.
markerTextAppearanceThe style of the text inside the marker.
markerTextColorThe color of the text inside the marker.
markerColorThe marker background color. Default accent color
markerShadowRadiusThe marker shadow radius. Use 0 to disable shadows. It affects marker size. Default 4dp.
markerShadowColorThe marker shadow color. Default #331d1d1d.
markerPopUpWindowSizeThe popup size, its constant and measured to fit the longest possible text. Default 80dp.
markerHorizontalOffsetHorizontal offset to align the marker tip and the progress thumb. Default (empirical) -8.5dp.
markerVerticalOffsetVertical offset to align the marker tip and the progress thumb. Default (empirical) -6dp.

If you want to customize another property open a PR or leave a comment!


Add to your repositories:


Include the dependency:

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This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0.